The 4zeroPlast Erasmus+ Project partners met in Portugal
15 July 2019
Uncategorized - 23 September 2019
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) is an action of the Cluster Internationalisation Programme for SMEs funded under COSME launched by DG GROW of the European Commission in 2016. The ECCP provides networking and information support for clusters and their members aiming to improve their performance and increase their competitiveness through trans-national and international cooperation.
Three of the partners of 4zeroPlast project, are involved on ECCP: AVEP, Poolnet and Proplast. They participated on several European projects such as: Materialix, ICTPlast e S3-4AlpClusters and their project activities are promoted by ECCP.
In addition, the three partners obtained the certification from ESCA – The European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis assigned by the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI), which demonstrates their cluster management excellence: AVEP – Bronze label, Poolnet – Gold label and Proplast – Silver label